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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Stretch your comfort "zone" in increasing measure

 Good morning!

A thought came to me yesterday as I was out for a walk in the bossy wind with a friend...
"You may not be confident because you are not comfortable. So expand your comfort zone."
Do you enjoy knowing that you can be comfortable?
Think about that bed and those warm covers you just crawled out of. Or maybe you are still under the covers LOL.
But let's break that down. We are designed for adaptability and change. That's why we have a brain and system that LEARNS.
We ALSO have a love for SAFETY. To know that our survival is in check and that we are not at threat.
And both of those are actually meant for one another. As we continue to navigate through our day and our world, we learn so that we can be adaptable so that we can ensure our safety.
I like learning new things that expand my awareness and "understanding" of things I may have an idea around. I like to stay agile and adaptable because truthfully, I am not the only moving part in my existence. There are other factors at play and I like to navigate in a way that can keep me moving forward.
And the thing I learned most, so far, is that when you try something new or decide to make a change, it's not going to be perfect right out the gate. You may very well meet up with a whole lot of resistance. You may very well miss the mark and suck at doing it well in the beginning.
It's a part of the process. Part of how learning works. It's like picking up a rock and examining it from all sides. Takes some time to navigate what it is. THEN, try something! When I decided to switch up my workout routine to one that was less time to do, I only gave it 2.5 minutes of commitment. And that was a part of the 5 minute morning routine that I had before the boys got up (when they were younger). Water, workout, post workout shake. DONE! And after I mastered that, I worked on adding more.
In increasing measure....that scripture is one of my favourite reminders...add in the good, in layers, in increasing measure. That's how we become practiced and intimate in our understanding...that how we build confidence. Constantly in the process of increasing our capacity and stretching the boundaries of our "comfort" zone.
Is there something you want to be more confident in or feel more comfortable with doing? Smaller steps, added in increasing measure.

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