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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, January 4, 2021

Do you feel resistance in doing what I wanted to be doing? Setting bigger intentions

 Good morning!

This morning I woke up at the time that I wanted to, I did tasks I wanted done without begrudging them, I have felt flowful, mindful , and intentional...
And I will say, that over the past 2 weeks that was a big struggle for me! LOL I just felt SUCH resistance in getting going with what I wanted to be doing. I didn't feel good about what I was putting out there. Some things I just had to let go of. And as much as I was "mindsetting" myself (thank goodness for good tools), I still had to add a little "push" into what I was doing to get my priorities met.
Not everything is going to feel perfect and "just right" for you. Not everything is going to feel like a warm bed. Not everything is going to just click and be "just right" as you move through your day. We go through different stages in our lives, and in our growth and development and some days aren't gonna feel like pure bliss. Some moments are just gonna plain out "suck", and even some situations are asking for us to show up in a different way than we have gotten into the habit of.
I had to think about what it was that I had set "in motion" before things felt "challenging".
And there it was...wanting to both "enjoy" the holidays and imagining how I wanted to show up into 2021. And parts of the "one" were not going to be going forward into the other. I had my moments of "enjoyment"....the sleeping in, hanging out and watching movies, have a few holiday treats, and be "off" routine for a bit, which I haven't done for a while.
I chose "peace and simple connection" over the holidays and I have literally stepped into 2021 feeling ready to go.
My bigger picture "inspiration statements" are "Continue to grow and expand (crack the shell, grow roots)", and "Joy and Delight, Delight and Joy".
This year I added one more to the "umbrella" and that is "Increasing capacity (to receive and radiate)"
I keep my areas of focus in my vision to 3 basic subheading under that....and then they branch off under that into more specific steps and goals.
All of which is adjustable and adaptable to remain dynamic yet grounded back to the bigger picture.
All that to say, this is not just a "New Year" thing. This is a lifetime thing....this is a quarterly review thing...and it's a "review my direction daily" thing.
AND I play in the process of it, year by year, month by month, and day by day.
What are some of your "big picture" intentions that you have of who you are and becoming?

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