Good morning!
I may very well be...NOT your type of -ism.
Over the last few weeks, I have left groups that stand more for being justified than being kind. To be clear, it's not that there were not kind people in the group, but those voices were often and quickly hampered by the justified "awareness" of others lording it over the unknowing.
You see, in the groups that I participate that needed a change and were there for the change, quickly course-corrected themselves and RE-ALIGNED with that loving intent that they created the space with. And I will tell you, not only did those groups experience MAJOR growth in the last month, but the participants and members of those groups grew as well. In their love of others, acceptance, compassion, and of course, their kindness toward another.
Whatever group you are a part of, you should consider how they are showing up in kindness and consideration of those around them.
I get that what people strongly identify with and as is what draws them to those in like-minded spaces. But do we pause and consider...what would I be without this identity? What would I be without this label or life choice? What would I advocate that doesn't require an "ism" or label? What would I reflect into the world without the label?
I'm okay with the edit....with the lightening of the load. I am okay with identifying back to a core value or basic in my life by which I operate from. And from there I can add and "ungroup" accordingly.
What is something that you stand for on a universal basis? One of my biggies is #oneanotherlove
How about you?

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