Good morning!
I want to ask you something…
Do you trust yourself to follow through?
Can I trust myself to tell me a thing and then do that thing, even when I am not in the habit of it?
The "gift" of being a coach or having done the process of transformation, is that you “know” the good you ought to do….
I have done the healthy eating and seen results, I have had the right amounts of water and seen how it helps my health, I have done the exercise program with amazing consistency and placed top in the challenge because of my results and mindset.... AND yet, I still struggle from time to time to keep consistent on my own.
Even though, I work out alone, make my healthy eating choices alone, drink my water first thing in the early hours alone….I’m not really alone. I’m currently hours from sharing in a group my personal accountability. During the week, it’s the same. Surrounded by like-minded people on a similar journey of personal improvement in the areas of their life that they want to improve.
This morning, I woke up to the thought “You should have a sweaty workout”. If someone said that to you, how would you respond?
My response was recognizing that I tend to “avoid” sweating. I am ad….. (wait, let me shift those words)..... I “experience” an aversion to sweating. I know why. I remember the “traumatic” experience. I’ve pushed past it before...obviously.... Why am I letting the story of “I don’t like to sweat” keep me from having a worthy and intense workout or even working out at all?
YUP! I am calling myself out on a story I’ve noticed has slipped back in and “sabotaged” myself with it. I’ve done “some” form of movement and working out, but noticed this week that I have dropped off when the Christmas holidays began.
TIME TO GET BACK AT IT! LOL. (And I apply similar questioning and observations in all areas of my life. Relationships and community, career and income, health and fitness….)
I’m starting my “annual” Post-Holiday January Reboot. 2020 was the last year of doing it the way I have done and I am switching it to align with how I “direct” my other goals.
Consistently with the long game in mind...not just to achieve the “goal”, but to live it. To LIVE! Live my best healthy habits...and enjoy it.
This year’s reboot I have also extended to being accountable beyond January and to others...with ME! When am I starting? Right away. It’s a progressive process, step by step, layer by layer, day by day, week by week….from where I am now to where I want to be (or in reality, where I have been and know I can be).
And now, I am ready to get “sweaty” and enjoy it
(More on the thought process of that later...but if I don’t go now, I may catch myself not quite doing it, so….)

Join me! You can PM for details.
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