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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Check in with ourselves throughout the day as well as on a daily basis

 Today is a VERY important day!!

It's the point in the month (not even the year) that many people start tossing resolutions out the window. 2 WEEKS!
Now it really doesn't matter if it is a New Years resolution that you set or a new change that you have implemented...The point RIGHT before something becomes more consistent in your life or is about to take off or is about to make that shift you have been waiting on...or is about to reach critical mass and just grow beyond what you THIS space.
This space is where resistance can come creeping back....negative and impatient language starts chiming in looking for that instant gratification...where doubt can creep in... where obstacles that are meant to be solved are seen as a "sign" not to continue....and then overwhelm can set in and start sabotaging your journey and results.
This morning, I was snacking on some dulce and realized...I'm in that space! Overwhelm? Why? Because I don't want to (fill in the blank) right now, and I would rather (fill in the blank) instead. Not even a few days ago that option was effortless and before I had the time to think about it, it was already being done. Am I blaming the cold? Am I blaming the fact that...(fill in the blank)....why am I even trying to give something outside of me the power of choice in my life? It's a part of non-serving language....and I CAN interrupt it. I CAN ask "IT" (me) questions right now to help to move through it. What is something that I could do NOW that will help me to move in the direction of my goals? Drink water....10 a 5 minute tidy....AND what may I be avoiding to do now that could use some of my attention? Decluttering, tutoring, planning for the week ahead...
It's not always that simple, but it's a start....doing a check-in with yourself throughout the day is better than letting overwhelm build up and stop you in the tracks of being on your journey with intention and forward momentum. Check in with your momentum...if you feel like you may be slowing down or getting foggy, then give yourself the once over (What are my thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviours in this moment and are they serving me? Yes? Okay, keep going...No?...well then check in and adjust ) and keep going.
Sometimes we just need to check in with ourselves throughout the day as well as on a daily basis.
This was from my Beyond the Reset group for the January Reboot challenge we did last year.
It still holds true today. Although I am in a more sustainable space. Simple and consistent is the key.
It's not that we are putting off or procrastinating because we are lazy, etc. Maybe it IS because you are lacking in sleep and energy and should address that first. Maybe you have a story or belief that is chiming in and interrupting your forward actions.
Whatever "it" is, having the basics met and the daily support to help you in those moments where "motivation" isn't enough is what helps. ... and accountability is what helps to keep us moving forward.
Let me know, does this resonate with you and where are you at with what you are working on to improve your life in 2021?

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