Good morning!
I could share how my slow and steady reboot is going the un-sexy, little, often-overlooked tasks and activities done daily are making a bigger difference that I even expected...BUT, there is this trend going around about sharing the realness ... the non "highlight" reel of my thoughts and days and I thought I would chime in...
I wake up each morning and do a side pose in the hall mirror looking at my silhouette...I do a head nod and smile because I like what I see. I'm Not where I would like to be at, but I'm not bashing myself either.
I get sad sometimes...when I notice there is an old story still being told by me...or an unserving story someone is stuck in...I feel it.
I set a plan for the day with only 3 main tasks. Other than that they get ranked and slotted to be done at another time.
I have a smallish window of activity that I like to work in... LOL and it lines up more with UK time.

I am up early because I like alone time. Me and and and my study in my highest energy zone...EARLY! Then the rest of the day I do the other "things" and connect with others.
I don't get bored. My head is ready with the next thing to ponder.
I don't like to sweat. That's from an experience I had that left me convulsing...
I have beautiful and sensitive skin. I wash with oil and water. And I love my freckles.
I don't like to put myself out there after a number of people in my past saying "Did I ask you?" and then those same people saying "Why didn't I say something? " LOL the combo of mad and other feelings is what it feels like I am avoiding...and then I still reach out because I see a connection people are needing to be made...
I like to stay low key. Mainly from really aggressive encounters with people and being the "only one" uniquely experiencing what I do in the space. I don't mind crowds of people for this reason... feels almost safer than small unfamiliar or edgy groups.
I used to feel like a perfectionist until I met other "perfectionists"

Now I continue to reframe "perfection" (with beauty).
I used to swear a lot (sailor-mode). It's not all "done" yet

...and people expect me not to swear WAY more than they realize...
I am calm because I chose calm (not by force...more so resting state and possibly because I move quickly THROUGH the rest)....more like the Hulk though
I love my own company. My smile lights me up...and anyone who smiles... (oh well right now)
I love just being around people in mundane activities.
I have grown an immense awe for the creation of humanity. Scientifically (from early on ...Bio fan) and spiritually.
I show up where I feel welcome.
I love creating a space of "welcome".
Most animals/birds/bugs love me...LOL which sometimes scares me, especially in the wild. I think it's a healthy respect

I embrace a multi-faceted view of a diamond. I like my "wholeness" and weigh moments, etc. as serving or not serving...
We can talk about ourselves in safety...or at least we should be able to. Find your safe spaces...and you are welcome to reach out in PM if you need. I AM here to talk about mental wellness.