Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.

And inspiration! It's that time of year to prepare for the calendar, next season that is officially here, next goals and accomplishments , next plans....NEXT and NEW!!!
Yes, each day ahead of us is a new one, and everyone is working on their next "best"...and what about continuing? Continuing on with the good work we have begun...continuing to deepen what we have already established...continuing to enjoy the process of growing and luving
....making sure we keep our foundations solid for the things we want to "build up" in our lives...

Do you think we might adhere to the fruition of our goals and resolutions if we saw them as a continuation, with less stop and go?
This holiday, the boys and I shared un an idea...that WE are each gifts....divinely given...for US and only us to be able to unwrap and reveal. Noone can do it for us...maybe with supportive anticipation, but we are the ones presented with this opportunity to peel back the "paper and ribbons" ....for our awe and see what "present" lies within. I shared that I am still unwrapping...with a few spots that I can see some through...while being watched with glee for my glimmers and grins of anticipation. I am grow and be grown.
In this moment of review, I am listening to the deepened voices of my boys knowing that they have grown, inside and out, and reflecting on how far we have come in this last year.
We may not quite know how far we will go in 2019, but we know that each day will be another step in our loving journeys together as a family.

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