Good morning!
Woohoo! We finished the half way point in grade 8 math curriculum this morning. Now for review and test

And I want to share my absolute love for the Discipline of particular the observation of patterns. Today, as we worked through the questions, we also explored the understanding of why observing patterns serves an everyday purpose...that most equations can have some of the variables swapped out, but applying the pattern to solving the equation will result in finding the solution for the "problem". That what systems plug in the variables into the "system" and it "should" work out for you. life, we are constantly plugging in different variables into the patterns we have created for ourselves, and finding the solution....LOL, sometimes the same thing keeps happening to us over and over again and we wonder "why??"....but perhaps it's because we only changed a few of the variables, but plugged them in to the same "equation" of "finding" the solution.
If what you want is a different solution to your "problem" or a different result....sometimes it actually means changing the "equation" you are plugging your variables into.....the pattern by which you observe the variables....the system has to be different.
This quote is often used...."We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein....
....however, it doesn't demonstrate that it is the same thinking BEHIND the observation of the problem that ALSO produces the results we experience. Your problem sits more in the thinking than the situation.
That's why this quote ...."If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer ..... is actually speaking to the KEY to the "finding" of the solution. It's how you apply your mind to the experience that makes the difference. And how you choose to "pattern" your mind will change your experiences.
Both quotes actually don't help you to "find" the "solution" to the "problem".....they are just pointing out the difference in the patterns that we choose to see with.
For ONE way of thinking results in SEEING the problem.....and the other way RESULTS in seeing the solution. The variables can remain the same, but the "equation" and pattern of application changes and you have a whole different situation in front of you.
What pattern have you applied to the things you do from day to day? Are they serving you? If yes, keep expanding in those areas. If not....Do you want them to change? And if you want them to change, have you consider adjusting your mindset first...
Anyways, I really enjoy math

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