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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, December 3, 2018

Are we allowing our limits to influence our growth and choices?

 Good morning! LOL HA!

Well, I was trying to head to bed actually, but I was reminded about something as my head was throbbing and I just had to share....
Choice or Limit?
Years ago I was cleaning up some debris, and a worn and weathered plastic rope was I wrapped it around my hand a bit and gave it a came loose and I got it free, but in the process, the fibres from the plastic robe got stuck in my hands...about a dozen I had to try and take out. I got most of it out, but there were still some left in my hands...causing swelling, inflammation, infection, and pain. At this point, the wounds were pretty much healed over...the skin was smooth, but the pain and sporadic swelling and redness kept coming up. So I decided I would cut them open and start digging out the rest that I missed. I was asked why would I do that?? And I answered, because what I don't want in there is still there...I don't want to live with it, I want it out. I still have one scar that stands out and I haven't disturbed it or messed with it because it's not painful or swelling and it's not bothering me. It may just be a scar, but I think there is still a piece in there, because it is quite hard when I touch it.
There are a lot of points in our lives where we have experienced the pain of disappointment and failed expectations of the outcomes we desired....and sometimes a seed of bitterness takes root in there, in our hearts and minds, and we allow that thing to fester and pus....but because we chose to put it on the back burner or a significant amount of time has passed and it "should" be behind us, we leave it. And when something in conversation or life comes along, that "pain" is triggered and our response (reaction) is to go through the emotions all over again or even better yet, try to ignore it and hope that it scabs over and we can move on from there. Well, we don't. Every time we get "triggered", defensive, carry a hard view point about that thing or subject, we are going through it all, all over again and wondering why we can't get passed it. That, my friends, is a limit. Or at least it was for me. A piece of plastic that your body will never break down or metabolize and that will constantly pick at you for the rest of your days. Hoping it scabs over thick enough still doesn't get rid of the pain and irritation. I didn't want that to keep coming back at me and taking over my thoughts and behaviours....interrupting my peace...and not allowing me to be adaptable or compassionate in my life. That goes for my present moment headache....maybe not enough hydration in my day on top of being exposed to irritants that were picking at me and giving me the headache in the first place....there is only so much we can choose to tolerate before our threshold is breached.
Where are you making choices that allow you to move forward and be adaptable to your growing and blooming life and where are you permitting limits to be your "master" in the moment?
Anyways, just a thought as I get up to get more water and hopefully some more rest as this day is set to continue to unfold.

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