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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, December 13, 2018

How do you navigate your stories?

 Transparency moment.....

We all have stories. For me to simply say what stories it is that I find myself influenced by from time to time does not give recognition to the journey of story-telling that we are ALL going through.
AND I personally have a no-one-is-listening-to-me story, I-am-a-representative-of-oppressed-population story, an underestimated story, a great-you-have-labelled-me-with-your-stereotype story, others-don't-believe-in-me story, a doubt story, a I'm-never-going-to-get-it-right-for-the-perfectionist story, a not-enough-income story, a I-don't-like-to-run-for-no-more-dang-busses story.... LOL there are many stories I have acquired and "allowed" to influence me in various ways....Can anyone relate? What stories do you have that chime in for proof from time to time? Or that keep you shaking your head....wondering if you will ever be able to change?
It took me years to work through "organizing" these "stories" and a few more years to put SERVING stories in the place of many of these....I'm not perfect, and I am not done....I don't think I ever will be....but knowing that you no longer have to run and live out the narrative of these stories and become stuck in them is a great feeling. Remembering that you created the stories and that you can....create a new one to live by. You have the choice and the power to do so. It doesn't necessarily get rid of the old stories right away or completely, but you can "master and subdue" and choose to live by a chosen narrative that builds you up, serves you, and helps you to live the life that you want to. It takes the effect and "hold" they have on you away as you choose more and more consistently to play a different story.
Today, one story in particular way chiming in and I decided to put it on hold....and then shifted my perspective on it....not to just ignore it or distract myself from it, but to recognize which other story I could use in the moment...inspired by the non-serving narrative to make a choice to be supported instead of broken down by the stories I share with myself.
I was responsible in my actions that followed....not necessarily easy in the moment, but definitely what was needed by all. And the story no longer was playing in my head....

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