Good morning!!
It's gifting season! It's a very Light and Holy time of year in which we celebrate and take time to recognize the gift of one another's company. It has been worked into the threads that are woven throughout this world. .... with all the food and get-togethers as well as heart-warming's a time to rejoice in our own unity and connection with our fellow brothers and sisters on this earth.
I have seen quite a few in my life breakdown into a reclusive state because they don't know what or how to give to another OR when they receive a gift, they get angry and snort about how the other "shouldn't have" or wasted their money. Being stunted in gratitude and appreciation is a very serious thing. It embitters the soul and shrouds out the light that is hope, compassion, joy, wonder, awe, inspiration, creativity, clarity, peace...
... Heart-hardening....and we miss out on the magic of the moment....that opportunity to not just RECEIVE the light being bestowed....but to allow it to reflect back, as it would, to bring light into the lives around you.
Perhaps you have had moments like this...I can recall moments where I was less than receptive....mainly in situations where the gift was given out of an expectation and not really out of a thought or consideration. Often, I couldn't use the gift. Or it was a gift that they wanted and ended up using and not meant for me at all LOL....It was those moments however, where I decided to just gift as I saw needed. Which meant I had to look out for moments of awe and wonder or need and desire in others....I wasn't going to wait for a prescribed time, I was just going to give. And what I gained is that through that observation, you get to appreciate what a GIFT others really are in our lives. Beautiful, unique, and awesome gifts....

I'm still working on it....I'm working on receiving and allowing myself to receive. I am good at giving and give thoughtful gifts....when I give. And I am human and allow myself the grace to a work in progress and trusting in the process....
...this season, be "sparked" by the wonderful light of others. Some intended to spark our own lights and get our fires going, and some that help to light the way
Much love my beautiful peeps

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