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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, December 24, 2018

Diversity broadens our perspectives, choices, and adaptability

 Subjective and contextual....I really do like watching my kids play video games. Especially when one of them ends up watching the other through following them (watching them after they left game play). You can really see how others will make choices based on what they can see and perceive of their situations...Different choices that are made....different biases and beliefs that influence those choices.....and in the end, I now have a son that has ADDED to his perspective by watching through the others' experience.

Sometimes it is helpful to listen to the other journeys of those around ADDS to your viewpoint and angles....broadens the choices you will make in a given moment. AND that is why, as much as I like square shapes, I don't like putting my perspectives and possibilities into boxes. I am an adaptable being. I am bigger than containers and constructs....especially since they are usually created from ONE viewpoint....I'm 360 baby!! ❤ 😉
So to those who have engaged with me in conversation, even when it was not comfortable...THANK YOU! You have broadened my perspectives and choices and I hope I could have done some of the same for you ❤
Many blessings to you all into the year ahead ❤

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