Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.
Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.
Good morning!
Subjective and contextual....I really do like watching my kids play video games. Especially when one of them ends up watching the other through following them (watching them after they left game play). You can really see how others will make choices based on what they can see and perceive of their situations...Different choices that are made....different biases and beliefs that influence those choices.....and in the end, I now have a son that has ADDED to his perspective by watching through the others' experience.
Good morning!!
Okay, okay....this has come up several times recently and I guess that means it needs some light....
Good morning! Into my 2nd fasted day (intuitive jump that has gone amazing) and my thoughts this morning were hovering around the beautiful support we give ourselves that look like the thing called discipline. If we are consistent in supporting ourselves and our goals and visions, things have no choice but to show up with encouragement, growth, and progress in our lives.
Good morning!
Transparency moment.....