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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, December 28, 2018

I am grow and be grown.

 Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.

And inspiration! It's that time of year to prepare for the calendar, next season that is officially here, next goals and accomplishments , next plans....NEXT and NEW!!!
Yes, each day ahead of us is a new one, and everyone is working on their next "best"...and what about continuing? Continuing on with the good work we have begun...continuing to deepen what we have already established...continuing to enjoy the process of growing and luving 😘....making sure we keep our foundations solid for the things we want to "build up" in our lives...
Do you think we might adhere to the fruition of our goals and resolutions if we saw them as a continuation, with less stop and go?
This holiday, the boys and I shared un an idea...that WE are each gifts....divinely given...for US and only us to be able to unwrap and reveal. Noone can do it for us...maybe with supportive anticipation, but we are the ones presented with this opportunity to peel back the "paper and ribbons" ....for our awe and see what "present" lies within. I shared that I am still unwrapping...with a few spots that I can see some through...while being watched with glee for my glimmers and grins of anticipation. I am grow and be grown.
In this moment of review, I am listening to the deepened voices of my boys knowing that they have grown, inside and out, and reflecting on how far we have come in this last year.
We may not quite know how far we will go in 2019, but we know that each day will be another step in our loving journeys together as a family. ❤

Prepare for next and ready for new

 Good morning! PRESENTS! FOOD! Friends and family! I have been enjoying it all.

And inspiration! It's that time of year to prepare for the calendar, next season that is officially here, next goals and accomplishments , next plans....NEXT and NEW!!!
Yes, each day ahead of us is a new one, and everyone is working on their next "best"...and what about continuing? Continuing on with the good work we have begun...continuing to deepen what we have already established...continuing to enjoy the process of growing and luving 😘....making sure we keep our foundations solid for the things we want to "build up" in our lives...
Do you think we might adhere to the fruition of our goals and resolutions if we saw them as a continuation, with less stop and go?
This holiday, the boys and I shared un an idea...that WE are each gifts....divinely given...for US and only us to be able to unwrap and reveal. No one can do it for us...maybe with supportive anticipation, but we are the ones presented with this opportunity to peel back the "paper and ribbons" ....for our awe and see what "present" lies within. I shared that I am still unwrapping...with a few spots that I can see some through...while being watched with glee for my glimmers and grins of anticipation. I am grow and be grown.
In this moment of review, I am listening to the deepened voices of my boys knowing that they have grown, inside and out, and reflecting on how far we have come in this last year.
We may not quite know how far we will go in 2019, but we know that each day will be another step in our loving journeys together as a family. ❤

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Light of the Season reflections

 Good morning!

Enchanted level of peace I am washed with. I have lights glowing this morning from the decorations...and I miss our set that used to have different settings to flash and glow to...but for now, I feel the deep attempts at love all around me. A surrendered acceptance of what we need to be, and today, a song chimed in on my heart loud and clear, and I can't wait to play it out loud on repeat for us all to share in 😍 I realized I have a thick onion skin to peel with one of the stories I have been running with for some time...and its journey will become the teaching I share with others.
And today, the heart must be nourished and only through the allowing of Grace and receiving can this "Higher Love" flow on ❤

Monday, December 24, 2018

Diversity broadens our perspectives, choices, and adaptability

 Subjective and contextual....I really do like watching my kids play video games. Especially when one of them ends up watching the other through following them (watching them after they left game play). You can really see how others will make choices based on what they can see and perceive of their situations...Different choices that are made....different biases and beliefs that influence those choices.....and in the end, I now have a son that has ADDED to his perspective by watching through the others' experience.

Sometimes it is helpful to listen to the other journeys of those around ADDS to your viewpoint and angles....broadens the choices you will make in a given moment. AND that is why, as much as I like square shapes, I don't like putting my perspectives and possibilities into boxes. I am an adaptable being. I am bigger than containers and constructs....especially since they are usually created from ONE viewpoint....I'm 360 baby!! ❤ 😉
So to those who have engaged with me in conversation, even when it was not comfortable...THANK YOU! You have broadened my perspectives and choices and I hope I could have done some of the same for you ❤
Many blessings to you all into the year ahead ❤

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Giving and receiving the Light

 Good morning!!

It's gifting season! It's a very Light and Holy time of year in which we celebrate and take time to recognize the gift of one another's company. It has been worked into the threads that are woven throughout this world. .... with all the food and get-togethers as well as heart-warming's a time to rejoice in our own unity and connection with our fellow brothers and sisters on this earth.
And, it is also a time some are reminded about this being a challenging time....those missing out on the understanding and experiencing of truly enjoying the real gift of loving one another. (warning: This IS a perspective bias).
I have seen quite a few in my life breakdown into a reclusive state because they don't know what or how to give to another OR when they receive a gift, they get angry and snort about how the other "shouldn't have" or wasted their money. Being stunted in gratitude and appreciation is a very serious thing. It embitters the soul and shrouds out the light that is hope, compassion, joy, wonder, awe, inspiration, creativity, clarity, peace...
... Heart-hardening....and we miss out on the magic of the moment....that opportunity to not just RECEIVE the light being bestowed....but to allow it to reflect back, as it would, to bring light into the lives around you.
Perhaps you have had moments like this...I can recall moments where I was less than receptive....mainly in situations where the gift was given out of an expectation and not really out of a thought or consideration. Often, I couldn't use the gift. Or it was a gift that they wanted and ended up using and not meant for me at all LOL....It was those moments however, where I decided to just gift as I saw needed. Which meant I had to look out for moments of awe and wonder or need and desire in others....I wasn't going to wait for a prescribed time, I was just going to give. And what I gained is that through that observation, you get to appreciate what a GIFT others really are in our lives. Beautiful, unique, and awesome gifts.... ❤
I'm still working on it....I'm working on receiving and allowing myself to receive. I am good at giving and give thoughtful gifts....when I give. And I am human and allow myself the grace to a work in progress and trusting in the process....
...this season, be "sparked" by the wonderful light of others. Some intended to spark our own lights and get our fires going, and some that help to light the way ❤ Much love my beautiful peeps ❤

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What do you want to BE?

 Okay, okay....this has come up several times recently and I guess that means it needs some light....

Justified. Do you feel "justified" in your actions? In your beliefs? In your perception?
Years ago I made a dramatic life "choice"....I got married 😄😄😄...(LOL I couldn't resist 😛 ) and shortly after I confirmed my discipleship. The more and more I read, there was something that stood out to me...there was no longer room in my life for choosing to live from a "justified" perspective. I wanted to BE more loving, I wanted to BE more compassionate, more faithful, more welcoming, more embracing, more celebratory, more joyful, more encouraged....and even though it was a time where I actually felt quite abandoned (in that particular moment in time), I couldn't see the "need" to hanging on to being "justified" in my current bitterness at the hurt and disappointment...I couldn't justify being indignant to the needs of those around me, even if...they were not good at minding my needs. In order for ME to become who it is I wanted to be MORE of ...I had to choose BEing Love over being "correct" (a.k.a. right) in my thoughts and actions. It actually felt like being frozen in a moment of time...virtually trapped on a wheel that span around and around and didn't give me the room to grow in the way that I truly wanted to. I took myself out of my "justified" thoughts for just a moment and sat and observed the "players on the screen". It didn't matter if I was right or not...I wanted to move on...and so I did. I left "justified" and "right" in that moment and moved on to the next....
....LOL, sometimes, others will pick up what I left behind and bring it to me later I was right or how they learned from our interaction...sometimes I am quite surprised the impact they receive...but for me, I have become more of who I am by keeping adaptable and moving....and "justify" wasn't serving me in a way to do that.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Being consistent with support for self and others

 Good morning! Into my 2nd fasted day (intuitive jump that has gone amazing) and my thoughts this morning were hovering around the beautiful support we give ourselves that look like the thing called discipline. If we are consistent in supporting ourselves and our goals and visions, things have no choice but to show up with encouragement, growth, and progress in our lives.

That, and how much more I can show up with love and support for particular one dear friend I share a deep bond with.
I'm loaded with energy this morning and a bit of sass. Hope you all have a joy filled day too❤❤
No photo description available.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Conclusions aren't always "fact" - Don't play the blame game

 Good morning!

Years ago, I had some serious debt. Creditors of all types were calling, one of which was highly abusive and I reported him.
I had several conversations with him where he gathered the "facts" of my life, and then from there he threw them back in my face like I was a dirty rag. WOW! (Remembering it now, I am grateful to no longer carry the emotional "charge" that I had with it before...) Piece by piece, he took them and used them with blame as the conclusive reason as to why I was in the "mess" that I was in. None of those reasons he shared rang true, but to others looking in...who knows, that may be what they would conclude as well.
The creditor that I dealt with after he was removed from my file shared the same facts back to me as a defeated story, one of hopelessness and "good luck trying to have a life or future"....and I simply said, "...there are many things in my life you cannot see that make my life great and worth living."
Today, there are many aspects of my life now, that if taken out of my own perspective, and out of context, would be facts that might set some people running, make them cry, make them angry, and essentially, tell a different story than what I see that I am experiencing. And the "context" from which those facts are removed are in fact the mindset that I am running in the background. There is a greater storyline at play than others realize and to me, things are working out better and better with improvement, each and every day. Things that I questioned are unfolding their underlying plot and revealing a beautiful twist to my growth and the growth of those around me.
I love the beauty of my life in wholeness. Transitional periods, periods of growth, moments of perfect timing for my own good and the greater good of others, having to trust in a bigger picture and the process of living, and the wisdom that I am gaining because of the "challenges" and situations that would otherwise spell doom and destruction if you didn't put them in the right perspective....essentially a more expanded viewpoint of the journey, and the living experience on a greater scale. And maybe it's because I choose to look for the beauty and positive proof and how things can be beneficial to my life and growth...but what I see is beyond just the pieces, but how they are all coming together to make the picture more complete.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

How do you navigate your stories?

 Transparency moment.....

We all have stories. For me to simply say what stories it is that I find myself influenced by from time to time does not give recognition to the journey of story-telling that we are ALL going through.
AND I personally have a no-one-is-listening-to-me story, I-am-a-representative-of-oppressed-population story, an underestimated story, a great-you-have-labelled-me-with-your-stereotype story, others-don't-believe-in-me story, a doubt story, a I'm-never-going-to-get-it-right-for-the-perfectionist story, a not-enough-income story, a I-don't-like-to-run-for-no-more-dang-busses story.... LOL there are many stories I have acquired and "allowed" to influence me in various ways....Can anyone relate? What stories do you have that chime in for proof from time to time? Or that keep you shaking your head....wondering if you will ever be able to change?
It took me years to work through "organizing" these "stories" and a few more years to put SERVING stories in the place of many of these....I'm not perfect, and I am not done....I don't think I ever will be....but knowing that you no longer have to run and live out the narrative of these stories and become stuck in them is a great feeling. Remembering that you created the stories and that you can....create a new one to live by. You have the choice and the power to do so. It doesn't necessarily get rid of the old stories right away or completely, but you can "master and subdue" and choose to live by a chosen narrative that builds you up, serves you, and helps you to live the life that you want to. It takes the effect and "hold" they have on you away as you choose more and more consistently to play a different story.
Today, one story in particular way chiming in and I decided to put it on hold....and then shifted my perspective on it....not to just ignore it or distract myself from it, but to recognize which other story I could use in the moment...inspired by the non-serving narrative to make a choice to be supported instead of broken down by the stories I share with myself.
I was responsible in my actions that followed....not necessarily easy in the moment, but definitely what was needed by all. And the story no longer was playing in my head....