Good mawning!
This morning I was in reflection...of a recent moment as well as reflecting on my own previous moments of where I acted from a space of "negativity" and it not only DIDN'T turn out well, but also produced "rotten" fruit and regret.
Over and over I can see examples of this, in the lives of those around me.
I remember a moment where, I was set on trying to "prove" myself to others. And as much as the voice inside my head was saying "Forget that! WHY are you always "having to " prove yourself or who it is you are?", I continued to push and force, and it turned out completely fruitless. LOL the image I get in my head is of Lydia in the movie Beetlejuice when she was monologuing to herself that she felt completely and UTTTERLY alone. HAHAHA....anyways...
I was brought to a reflection of the story of Moses and the Pharaoh. and I was imagining how torn the Pharaoh, Moses adoptive brother, felt between having his brother before him and yet this rage and pride within him. What would have happened if he chose a different energy and setpoint from which to make his decisions regarding the Israelites? Well, things would have definitely turned out differently on both sides of the story I imagine.
I've come to find myself, now, more fully ENJOYING the presence of my own company and more and more that I am IN joy in that space, I tend to receive more and more inspiration and then I can choose to take action from thee. It's light, it guides its own self along to where it needs to go for support and growth and keeps evolving from there. It's almost magical in how it feels. Sometimes I feel like I should be checking around me for glitter or sparkles when things happen from that inspired's beautiful 

Currently, I set my intention and then I look for and go with the flow of where that takes me. It can "sound" wishy-washy", but it is a much more ORGANIZED space of operation to work from than if I "allow" myself to get distracted and my focus is everywhere but well as the non-serving and "meh" feelings that go along with it.
Anyway, I am off to enjoy my day as #intended. Have a great day.
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