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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The energy you share out into the world.

 Good mawning!

The energy you share out into the world.
In the end it's the relationship you are having with a thing.
Not only does the nature of the relationship affect your experience, but the energy you are holding with it gets passed on through it.
I've been experiencing many interactions lately that have had me step back into observation mode.
And the thing I have noticed through all is... even IF we didn't "create" the pattern of relationship with the thing we are in engagement with, we DO have the ability and power to decide if we are going to pass it along for others to experience through us.
One dear friend has passed on the huge GIFT and energy of the relationships they hold...with family, friends, connections, resources, money, nature, themselves.... everything!
I am almost brought to tears by how their relationship and serving energy has blessed so much in what seems like a small interaction. They hold their life with high value. They choose to be in the presence of high value. They believe in the value in others and themselves.
And in contrast, others trying to hold control and what seems like upset in their relationships and ready to pass on the same unserving experience to others.
I choose to align with the former example. Being a blessing to those I encounter and whatever I share with others will hold that same blessed and serving energy.
See the blessings...the value...the good in your relationships. Bring the energy of value, of benefit, of uplifting, of nourishment into the things you do and the things you share forward.
What's a relationship you would like to feel more value, respect, compassion, and joy in?
Off to enjoy implementation (application) and integration of this into my life more and more. Every moment is an opportunity to see what good we can add in our lives.

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