Good morning!
This morning I want to share about being a "witness" to events and miracles in your life.
The freckles on the face of my newborn nephew, the magpie that was insistent in sharing a message with me and followed me eye level through the dad singing "Happy birthday" to himself.....
For me in my life these are ALL beautiful, irreplaceable, and priceless wonders that make up MY life.
The first, I thought I had gotten tons of pictures of. I wanted to be able to share about his beautiful baby freckles (which I have never seen on a baby since) as he got older, however all the pics came out fuzzy. But I can still see them in my mind as clearly as that day AND I still have the pictures reminding me of the fact that it was a failed attempt of capturing the moment.
I was SUPER fortunate to had been walking with my boys and talking about how ravens had tried speaking with me when a magpie started hopping along the branches with us. I responded as kindly as possible saying I wish I spoke "magpie" so I could fully understand, but the moment is still super special and I have my boys who remember (maybe one remembers it more than the other...on purpose).
And then the last one. Each year, I would start walking around on my birthday and sing "happy BIRTday to me...♪♫" in a funny voice and the boys wondered why I sang it that way. I said that is the way my dad sang it for himself and I loved it so much, that I do it for myself ever year and it fills me with beaming joy Well, last year when we called my dad for his birthday and we sang, he jumped in with song and began to sing so loud in that same "voice" I would... "Happy BIRTday to ME!!! ♪♫♪" The boys had the BIGGEST smiles and WIDEST eyes on them as what I told them came true for them to hear
We ARE WITNESSES to this MIRACULOUS experience of humans living life Through our VERY OWN eyes and senses....we bring the gift of observation and the feeling of awe, wonder and appreciation into this world in ways nothing else seems to do
And when we BEAR other words SHARE from our lives even just the smallest of wonders we observe, we heighten the experience for another.
Let's share from our childlike wonder today. It's not silly, it's necessary. Those little things we notice and puts a slight smile on our hearts are a gift for us all
P.S. Today IS my dad's BIRTday ♪♫♪
#thankyouGod #divineGifts #livesofWonder #Bearwitness #shareyourwonders #INjoy #uplifting #edify #oneanotherlove #Sawubona #happybirthday #ICelebrateYou
A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
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Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Being a "witness" to events and miracles in your life
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