Good morning!
The ongoing process of reflecting on thing stood out for me. People (other than my inner circle of influence) telling me how....
"How" to be a real black woman
....."how" to drink tap water effectively
... "how" I should sleep... "how" I should speak .... "how" I should show up or not, and if I don't then (fill in the blank)..."how" I should not apply the things I have experienced...."how" I should only talk to certain people....

And I realized, I may very well be a stubborn individual LOL 
I really don't know what it is that people are perceiving and imagining about me...and I kinda don't want to know. "MY" job is to live in MY life, one else is going to be doing it for me....and on a DAILY basis, the process all starts in MY head.

"How am I going to take care of myself better than yesterday?", "What can I contribute to today that makes things better and more effective than the day before?", "what more am I capable of letting go of and sharing with others and what should I hold onto?" ....these are daily thoughts, but there is one thought/statement that comes before it all...."STAY IN YOUR LANE!!"
If I need help with bookkeeping and accounting, I will seek the help of a bookkeper that I can work well with and can wrap their minds around the vision I have for business. If I am looking for business advice, I will look to and contact those who are doing business in a way that I can see is a good fit for what I am doing. If I am looking to transform the tone of my body, I will look to those who have done what I am looking to do with success and in a way that suits me best. If I need help with homeschooling my son, I will talk with our facilitator who has met with me and my child and knows our unique situation.
I already surround myself (and continue to ) with those who can help me to grow and are excited to see growth in my life. They look at the details. They get intimate with my journey. They know what it is I need and when I may need it, and BEST OF ALL, they recognize, celebrate, and nurture my strengths.
They ENCOURAGE me to get out there and share what it is I can do! And they KNOW what it is I can do
They love my unique perspective and call on it to be expressed on a daily basis. THIS is my inner circle.

And because of this, I get to consider MY gifts, my strengths, AND my growth on a daily basis.
So thank to those in 2019, who have "contributed" their opinions without knowing the journey and the details. It reminded me to look at the inner workings of other peoples' lives so that I can be a best fit in meeting THEIR needs if I can, or at least be a good support for helping those needs to be met. AND it also reminded me to operate in the arenas I am good at, to be of BEST service to others when the time comes.

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