Good morning!
As I was in the process of pulling "Santa Mode" with the boys (delivering unknown gifts in the wee hours of the morning
...actually I had forgotten about them until this "wee" morning and quickly wrapped them and added them to our little stash), I found myself pondering on the process of receiving and giving.

Many kids are encouraged to make lists of wants and then share them with their parents, family, friends, "Santa", however....I have found it difficult to come up with something to "give" to certain people.
Mainly for the reason of how they react when something is given...they are horrible at receiving! And even now as you read this, if you find it difficult to receive compliments, a smile, gifts, cards, hugs, etc...if you get angry, uncomfortable, cautious, or worse, just is quite painful to watch, and it stifles the process. I LOVE watching that moment for others! Especially with givers that are insistent on people opening up to receive the gift. Over the years, it has reminded me to observe the energy by which the gift is given and receive the connection in the moment. I will admit, I was a TERRIBLE receiver!! Mainly due to past experiences where things weren't given with the right heart or the right intent.
I have spent much time observing these particular people in my life to see where I can fit in that "gift". What things do they enjoy and partake in? What ways do they express that they feel loved? What do they enjoy doing? What are areas in their life that they could use some support in?
And yes, I know it can be difficult to "gift" to me....or at least to know what to gift to me. Over the years, many have met the needs that I have had and I still have those basic items that I keep near. SO there aren't many things that I am necessarily in need of
, but I do LOVE spending time with people and I love adventures. This year I got to do both with some special friends and I think that was just AWESOME!! 

Even today this morning, I am in ALREADY in "receiving" mode...I am anticipating where a gift may be coming and I can see also that there is a desire to connect, so I and READY to RECEIVE! I am also "readying up" for those unexpected gifts....and again, I see that they are opportunities for connection with others.
It's true that gifts are not high on my love language list, but I love the opportunity for connection that can come THROUGH it.
SO enjoy today...and ALL the gifts, seen and unseen that you are ALREADY receiving, and open up to the flow of sharing in #oneanotherlove that we are designed for

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