Good morning!
Up early AND I know I will enjoy a lovely little nap at some point during this busy day!
Winter is HERE!!! I'm not talking about the weather, I'm talking about the season
Because for me, I know that this is officially my time off from gardening LOL. What matters for me is the amount of light that flows into each day...that's what I gauge seasons by. And the season of "cozy" is officially here!!! (And snow baths, but that's another topic

This day in particular marks the shortest day of the year (based on daylight hours) and also the beginning of the steady, day by day increase of more and more light.

We know that we function best when we have a wake up routine to our day. Think about it, you probably have a set of things you are in the habit of doing as you wake and rise from your bed. I do, and it sets the tone for the rest of my day (for the most part). That transition from my sleep state to where I am up and active in my day is like Springtime.
And in my household, we also prescribe to a wind down time. Shift the lighting to the amber tones and not as bright, and get everyone prepped to curl up into their cozy beds. We pray together and then it's "light's out!" LOL, and if the boys are a bit cranky or they are getting on each other's nerves, I start dimming the lights and getting prepped and they automatically start gearing up for coziness 
They can easily fall asleep in 5 minutes if we start pray time too
This preparation and transition from the activity of the day into the coziness of sleep is like Autumn.

I know what it is like to be "alarmed" out of my bed and jump straight into activity. NO SPRING?!? No morning build up ??? UGH!!! My heart stays racing for most of the day and my mind feels like it's in survival mode! And good LUCK trying to get to bed with all the lights on in the house and people rushing everywhere...I won't get a good rest that way.
So today, I add a few more lights around the house and enjoy the reminder to spend quality time in each season to itself. No bypassing allowed

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