Good morning!
Buying in!!
It's shopping season LOL....or at least that is how it is advertised! 

So much influence is being waved around right now that it is almost nauseating. But the ONE that stands out for me is around age and the body "breaking down "because" of it.
A LOT of people "BUY IN" to this idea like nobody's business. Birthdays are NOT encouraging to most because of this. It robs the focus from celebrating contribution and gratitude for life being lived and shuffles it into a corner while you focus on the fact that a number got bigger and you are looking for some "sign " of breaking down.
Well, let me tell you...nothing like having gray hairs and arthritis and joint pain to remind you that are 8 years old!!! LOL no joke folks! I am actually MORE "younger" now than I was as a child according to the measure that people are using. Now of course, I don't feel the inclination to climb to the top of a 16 - 20 ft tree anymore (and then fall out of's okay, I didn't get "hurt" LOL) , but I have more joy, celebration, playfulness, laughter, and less joint pain than I did as a child.
Take a look around and notice that there are a lot of people that actually DON'T buy into the hype of degradation and break down and have SUBSCRIBED to the longevity club.

"I, would like to renew my membership for another year or 20 please.... THANK YOU!!"

It's FUN! And, I will say, I am grateful that my family never fully bought into the "I'm aging...woe is me" hype. It was simply..."MAINTAIN what you got." If something hurt or ached, you just go on and fix that and get back to living. My grandma was farming into her 90's ...and she showed me her kitchen of "maintenance".
Let's not get down on ourselves because we can no longer mindlessly move through life and "do what want" like a child and get mad when we actually have to give things a bit more thought and consideration....We can TOTALLY gift ourselves with love, care, and intentional actions and "BUY in" to the longevity hype instead. MUCH MORE play on that side of the mindset game 

Now, to go back and tell my oldest son that he looks older than me LOL 

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