Good morning

I did not make that date with them as I had hoped I could have....
My grandmothers are on my mind this morning....specifically the last conversations I would have with them. "Mama" knew...and she was crying and sad....that we may not see each other again. That life would get too busy for me and I would not return to see her before she passed....
I thought of her often. I reflect on her posture and presence. I remember her joy and playfulness mixed in with her worrying nature. She was a more anxious woman than I realized then.

And then my dad's mom....who I didn't really like growing up. It's a mess of family issues around all of that, but when the dust finally settled and relationships were healed, we caught up on over 20 years of missed opportunities in one day. I can still go back to that day in all its technicolour wonder and joy. I braided her hair, she showed me her clothing designs, I marveled at the techniques and details that I noticed and she noticed that she had wished I had always been there in her life. She desired to have me bring back my boyfriend at the time so she could meet him (and my dad spoke well of him)....when she requested, I was reminded of Mama and so I left her my hat as a reminder. Can you believe I couldn't find a hat quite like it for the rest of the trip? And I haven't seen anything like it since....
There are friends that I made sure to go out and visit with since....I may not get in my self-care day, but I try my best never to miss a date to connect with others.
LOL I even stop by my friend's house if she is home to just give her a hug if I am near by.
I think I do this because it sits heavy on my heart knowing I will never remember the things that kept me so busy, but I DEFINITELY remember the friends and family that I miss and I can't meet up with now. 

... as I remember visiting with a friend and neighbour who was preparing for her passing this time of years a few years ago....we used to walk together often. We lived only a few doors down. At that time, she was planning for Christmas gifts for her kids and family. Today I thank her for walking and talking with me every moment we could.
Again, parental influence comes into play from both sides....It was a dad and I would go and do the rounds on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning as he would drop of cards and candy canes to his friends close by.
LOL and he would also cash in on our annual best of a Brown or White Christmas...he chose brown and often won. It was mostly slushy and brown Christmas day growing up, but I love his laugh and cheering as I paid up LOL 

Is there a friend's house you drive by EVERYDAY but never just stop in quick and say hi? Do you think of someone in your day, but never tell them? Are you inaccessible to those who had an impact in your life?
I remember a seminar where they said if they were really your friends, they would pay to come and see you....your time is money, etc.....and yet....the value in connection and sincere human relationships is far greater than a dollar per hour measure.
I'm going to go and enjoy my memories as I get ready this morning...and enjoy the gift and value of having made the connection 

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