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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Release the charge to emotional triggers

 I would say the moment itself is neutral, the response we decide upon, choose and conclude after the fact is where we create the "negative" programming to respond the same to like situations going forward.

If we word it around our chosen response being the "negatory" that we bring up again and again (the non serving story), instead of the situation, we see that the power of choice is internal not external and we know we can shift and change that going forward if we so choose.
And yes, we haven't let go of the story that doesn't serve us around how we responded to whatever event in the past and that is how we have not healed yet....look for the triggers!!
If you don't STOP and observe, you can't change direction as needed.
(LOL just tested this with my big guy with a video game he "decided" he hates....and then brought in the example of racism and the decision to have that response and trigger to a particular group of people along with its decided stereotypes and generalizations.)

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