Be the director....
This weekend was full of all the "feels"....from LOVING the pure awesomeness of realizing I LOVE being IN the process of "better" ...all the way over to being reminded of when a deep and dear friendship had to go separate ways.
This weekend I was also involved in writing out a vision for how I would like to bring greater contribution to this world we live in. Putting words to the feelings and pictures can sometimes be challenging, ESPECIALLY if there happens to be another script being narrated in the background.
🙂 It felt like walking on set with a new script for the sequel and they haven't finished the "voice over" for the first movie.
Well, it's more like bringing in a new writing team, while the old team THOUGHT they were writing how the sequel would play out and they find out they have been replaced. YEAH! THAT is a better description of what it can be like when....you challenge the stories you are telling yourself that no longer serve you....or even better, were NOT sustainable or leading you in a direction you wanted to be going in.
So how do you know that first movie could use a better "sequel" writing team? How do you know that that story isn't serving you?
Well, I don't know about you, but for me, it starts with "judgment" language in my head. I find I start comparing things more, deciding on (concluding) what will be the outcome and it feels heavy...almost like I am getting ready for a fight and I get tense. LOL it seems quite subtle, but for me, when this happens, I step back and see if there is another possibility that can play out... another way I can look at the scenario and all the pieces of it...and if that other scenario is more compassionate, has a better outcome for ALL involved, is more connective, then I need to shift my "feelings" from the idea of "avoiding perceived conflict/discomfort" and flow with the compassion and connection that will yield a better "feeling" on the other side.
Sometimes we have that old writing team trying to find "work" in our head and in our lives. They wrote a great script once...an action thriller with a narrow escape, with the victim barely surviving, but they made it...and the sequel was going to be another movie, much the same, but in a different setting.
And that's why I brought in a new "team". I was tired of watching the same type of movie play out over and over again. I wanted to have different adventures....maybe a romantic comedy...maybe a cartoon classic where the main character becomes the best and evolving version of themselves (hahaha if you know me, you already know the movie LOL
😅) and everyone benefits.
So we write stories....that's what we do. They have moved history forward for ages. They have helped to inspire and teach. They are the legacies we tell long after people have passed on....I want to help to write, and direct...I want to show up in a script that inspires and leaves a legacy that will help others to live beautiful, evolving, connected, and expansive lives. I want them to see the fullness of the life that they could live...with that "happiness" stuff, and smiles, and peace "written" in. And I want them to BE IN the movie of the script they are writing! You gotta show up to see how what you write plays out!!
So yeah, this weekend...I was adding to my "script"...revising, refining. This next scene will be interesting
😉 It may be a little packed and awkward, but the outcome should be good
❤ What story or script do you find you are writing?
#thankyouGod #thestorieswetell #writeanewstory #LifeToTheFullest #legacy #narrative #isitservingyou #VisionBuilding #createthepicture #sustainable #beneficial #WeAre #greaterstill #mindsetmatters