Good day!
I am SURROUNDED by some beautiful people that know and DO amazing things in this world! 

They are changing peoples' lives day in and day out. I admire them and am inspired BY them. And this past week I reached out to a friend because something in me really wanted to offer them support.
Why? Why did I feel that they "needed" support? And WHY would I offer...especially after the many times I have been laughed at for "thinking" I had something to say....that would be of any help.
You see, the environment for me before this moment now has been "peppered" with many encounters...with people feeling "free" to put me at the center of humiliation and mockery. Or at least thats what it felt like when someone makes a comment directed at me and then the whole room is laughing....honestly, it didn't make me feel welcome. And it didn't make me WANT to share with those people at all
I had another dear friend ask me a couple years ago how I handled what I went through because she had witnessed it happening to me on a constant basis.
Have you ever felt that what you have to offer this world was looked down on or disregarded? Do you know what it feels like to know, that other people are watching you being treated this way? Do you feel you are not being valued for all you are? Can you look in the mirror, look at yourself, and value YOU for all that you are? It starts with us....
Well, back to last week....the gem came out as I offered some info to this person, already assuming they knew.......and they didn't! I was so happy to help! I know they will find the info they seek, either way, by asking me or finding on their own, because that support has been provided.
And then I realized, HOW MANY others do I "assume" just know all that it is that I know....? It is because of people that have said "I know, I know" while cutting me off (as observed)?
HOW MANY times have I been pushed off and dismissed and then allowed that dismissal to interfere with someone ELSE getting valuable information and help that they may need? THAT was the part where I checked myself!!!
Because, there is NO ROOM for that! For people to perish because what they need is being withheld...
If I SEE a person in pain and in need, I check in. Because I know what it feels like to want support.... and when others treat you like its a bother. AND I WANT to remind myself to offer to serve.
Many people don't know because this model of "bothering" is one many experienced growing up in our society....and what it has left us with is many not asking for help when they need it....not asking if someone could chime in on a question they might have...or just getting feedback now and then.
LET'S CONNECT! Maybe you are the gift that someone needs in their life, and maybe, just maybe YOU are the gift that they need and haven't allowed themselves to receive.
P.S. LOL I just did a face mask and didn't get everything off apparently. "ME" Monday in effect LOL .Self-care feels good

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