Good morning!
And the freedom to choose "your" freedom.
Last night, as the boys and I hung out before bed.....we discussed choice.
Years ago I made a significant choice. I chose to USE my gift of choice (Free Will) instead of "choose" to not choose. I set the intention for the life and future "I" wanted to live. Granted, it was one thing over another, but at the time that I set the intention and made the choice to no longer live my life as a "tool" for a negative agenda, other choices presented themselves to me.
It's funny, but I recognized that my "job" was now to observe when the diverging of paths was being shown to me, or better said as....I could now see more clearly when I was being offered the gift over and over again to choose in the way that I had intended to live.
But that choose to advocate on the "side" of that which honours, celebrates, allows, and nurtures my Divine gift to choose....(LOL opposed to "surrendering" that power and "allowing" something else to choose for me)....that choice changed my life in ways I couldn't imagine.
Right now, my dear friends, family, loved ones (you all count
), it is OUR time to recognize....that there is an infinite power, beyond understanding, in our "gift" to choose. And as it was honoured in me, I know it is being honoured for you as well.

There is a phrase that I "write" on my is "....that they may...". The gift of choice....and honouring that you "get" to choose.
It's time to recognize, if you want to have a choice, then choose

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