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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I CHOOSE to be...

 Good morning!

I am child-like, compassionate, loving, hopeful, light, and always growing...
I had to remind myself of these things this past week. It was a great interaction that sparked this huge reminder for me and almost thrusted me 5 steps forward past where I was planning to step.
Have you ever had an encounter or experience that "forced" you to grow and consider the place in which you were standing?
Currently, I feel like I have been strapped into a "rollercoaster" section of my journey...and I KNOW....that I am not alone. There are so many people whose lives have changed a LOT over the last month or so.
My current "ride" started shortly after the year started. All that I had planned out for months was going exactly as felt GREAT! And then, I was literally knocked off course and put on a whole new path that I had no idea which direction was which. With that said, I have found ways to adapt and press forward. I have also allowed myself the space to cry at being derailed by something I didn't know was coming and couldn't control.
But what I DID control were the responses and the actions I would take and am taking in this VERY MOMENT!
I have the gift of choice! And I can CHOOSE to apply the same steps I was taking in this unknown terrain. Sometimes it works and sometimes I have to McGyver" a different solution. The vision I had set hasn't changed.
Maybe this path was calling to be stepped on by MY feet 😉 Maybe it was wanting some clearing and some flowers planted along the sides to be more inviting and manageable for others who may journey the same way.
But for SURE, I know that through this, I AM ADAPTABLE if nothing else and I can make this situation, healing and path in my journey work FOR me and not against me. My journey, my choices, my vision, and I know, I am not alone.

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