Good morning!
Well, I want to share about the weight of grief.
Around this time each year I give it consideration, but I feel like I have not truly paralleled the experiences I went through with that of the one that reminds me of it each year, Jesus.
I know that right now, in this moment, I am experiencing an aspect of the grief cycle. I have been doing a lot of reflecting and working through forgiveness and asking myself "Why? And how?" and just giving myself the "space" to be IN it....because I don't "get" to.
Well today, I am definitely IN it LOL
(and yes, you can laugh with's possible...). It has just felt like such a fight with many aspects in my life...and yet, I am filled with love and compassion for myself and those around me. I am so excited for the future for ALL of us to be a part of

And still, a part of me still hurts. I invited this part of me to fully express just ball out and rant on about what needs were not met on "it's" behalf. Going from being celebrated to the experience of betrayal, the heartbreak, and the heaviness of not feeling supported. I can only imagine...
And this is where that parallel hit me this morning....yesterday was a day of celebration (Palm Sunday)....remembering that Jesus was celebrated....and in such a short time, went from being praised to being raised....on a cross. People walking away from their love and turning to separation and lying words...from gratitude to scoffing and gnarling and gnashing of teeth....seething and given over to a harmful spirit....WOW!
So, even as I allow myself to process this grief, I ask you to consider, where are you at this morning?
SO MUCH has changed in our lives in just a month! And that starts the's a natural cycle we all go through, but it's still has its stages we get to "experience".
I'm good. This is me on this side of a stage in my cycling....equipped with the tools and mindset to allow for healing. Not just a system that I learned, but also from what I have learned in my OWN journey in this life

And if YOU need any support, please let me know. Because I know what it may feel like and I want you to know that you are not alone in YOUR experience.
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