Good morning!!

Alright, alright... (cracks fingers)...this topic is a HOT ONE for me! So I ask you to bear (or bare) with me on this....
It's comes back to ....value! I've heard the comment, "You teach people how to treat you." But let's be clear here, not all statements are 100% true. AND, in this statement, sometimes, people have been taught...and influenced how they THINK they should treat "you"....or those in their perception are similar to you. Even better still, sometimes YOU are to treat you.
Okay, so now that that part is out.....How do you CHOOSE to hold VALUE for yourself and others? How do you talk TO yourself? How do you talk ABOUT yourself? do you let others talk to you? This speaks loudly to your Circle of Influence and who and what you are surrounding yourself with.
This week has been THICK with the "HOLD UP! WAIT A MINUTE!" moments...and yes, it's even calling me to call out others in how they have continually gone back to speaking to me in a certain way even though I have stated a correction before that is not a way that builds up or takes what I say and share as valued.
If there was ever a time for me to be MINDFUL of my circle of influence, it is now. I am using this time at this moment to plant seeds for MY growth....and honestly, it has called to attention the quality of the soil I am in. Starting with me, I'm tilling the soil and pulling out things that will choke out the growth of what I am planting. I am calling out my unserving or limiting language that is not SPEAKING LIFE into my forward momentum!
....Which means, if you are coming at me with less than "I" will tolerate from myself, then I will be reminding speak with love and value to others as often as opportunity is present....which is always.

I am also checking myself in how I am speaking with our boys....because right now, with them being in close quarters ALL the time, it can be a little taxing with these teens at times. 

But again, Speaking LIFE and VALUE into them as MUCH as possible is now non-negotiable. I love them and appreciate them and their LIVES matter to I know they are valuable to me and I need to be sharing that with them on a constant basis.
I am choosing to step up my game with my hubby.
LOL this "distancing" thing has me in my PJs more than I was already, and that was a LOT! 

There's a way I used to show up in my marriage which was excellent, consistent and practiced and felt GOOD

...and oddly enough, it made my hubby look good, and our marriage look good. And even though it wasn't always perfect (cuz growth is a beautiful array of everything
), it "felt" better than I am feeling now hanging in my PJs and house all day, so I am breathing and speaking LIFE and VALUE into our relationship

I am SUPER thankful to those who have not been speaking kindly of themselves lately, or have been dismissive to peoples' it sparked a fire under me and REMINDED me that I do not want that in my "circle"....or in my bubble as it were.
It's gardening time, and I take GROWTH and its process "seriously" (with joyfulness and excitement actually...not sure the word for that, but I hope you get the point). Let's not forget to recognize the VALUE in one another and LIFT up those around us as often as we can.

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