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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sawubona - Seeing me, and seeing "we"

 Good morning!

Let's have an honest talk about yesterday....
How did your day go? Simple? As usual? Same ol', same ol'? For me, it was NOT a "usual" day for me (yes I didn't use "an" on purpose 😉 ), but sitting here this morning, I am reflecting on the fact that, indeed, it used to be....
....second guessing, feeling "off", almost as though I was scraped by sandpaper....
What kind of situations in your experience make you feel that way?
I was snacking on ALL the things LOL 😄😄 an attempt to help me to process....and this morning, I received the grounding I needed.
The thing that kept coming back to mind that helped me through is...."Sawubona".
Years ago, after reading my friend, Brian Grasso's book, I gave myself a little experiment. I had started something similar with a kindness experiment before reading the book, but the understanding was deepened with the concept of Sawubona. It was chapter 3 and I realized there was a missing part to my kindness project. "See yourself & Others" it was called. I forget to INCLUDE myself in the project. I was focusing more on the scientific aspect of the increase in seratonin levels of the receiver, the giver, and the observer, but I wasn't really SEEING myself in the project. To truly value and SEE's amazing to offer true connection to others...and I took it a step further to "offer" true connection to myself.
From that point, it all became just an overflow....I was IN joy no matter what LOL. I picked a weed from a neighbour's lawn and felt no judgment for it. I held doors and shared smiles with no recoil.
Because for YEARS, I was chastised for smiling, for talking and connecting with strangers, and definitely judged for approaching others and offering some help without wanting "something" back. And it was usually quite a messy aftermath. I didn't care about the receiving, I cared about the experience of the "other" in the moment....And it felt SO GOOD to finally connect back in with ME!!! And I mean "ME", "M-E" with a capital "JOY!" in front of it!
It was to a point where I was dancing through the streets and smiling 😃 ....most would look away and put their heads down, but I recall one guy started to dance at a distance "with me", complement my hat, and continue on his way ❤ It was a great day (and I love the hat too 😉 )
From there, I built a foundation of "knowing" myself. I would build in a standard of things I would share with my boys, stuff that I would not do or say or contribute to, that would no longer flow from me, and then things I would remain sensitive to, as I saw it being the "gift" that I could help others with....
And yesterday, I was reminded very well, that it is IMPORTANT to nurture and know myself to the core. I keep it short and simple. Simple and consistent, and I practice daily. The values that I value within me...seems like a narrow path, but it has a broad and beneficial reach...this morning I am reminded to love, in joy, and to make sure I can see that for myself and for others.

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