Good morning!
Yesterday I witnessed/experienced a few incidents, where, it is obvious to me that it is Halloween time! 

Okay seriously though, over the last few weeks, I've been challenged with who do I "stand" for. What portion of the population is a "hot spot" for me. And in that time, I have been added to a Mom's group, a women's group, and then I realized, I love to share support and encouragement from my experiences in life and if anyone gains support through, I am grateful to have helped.
But one particular group stands out to me....those who struggle within their own mental banter. I have helped many to unpack that mental journey for allow them "space" to sit back from the barragement of attacks just long enough to "see" themselves in it, and release what is no longer serving them. To personally unravel the cords of stories of hurt and pain that have looped themselves around and around.....and twisted it into a knot that sits in the back of your you know the one? That keeps your words and expression trapped? That leaves you choking on your tears sometimes....that hold back the scream and cathartic yelp of frustration? Yeah.....that space. That is the "space" I have been willing to sit in with others.
Because I have been there. Because I still have areas in my life where that comes up....AND I have the tools to help me through it (not always easy, but it is doable)....mainly because I have been willing to SEE others and extend a helping hand, and THROUGH it have learned many things and gathered the gifted tools to add to my "toolbox".
Yesterday, I got to witness 3 distinct where someone's "ego" got in the way of considering someone else's safety and well, where someone thought it funny to devalue someone's life and existence and reduce them to possession and property in open conversation....and another, when in the attempt to connect, this young individual assumed a lack of intelligence in those he was connecting with. The thing that stood out was their INSISTENCE to be right. Kindness and compassion were not used in the first two, and the latter experienced surprise when they found out they may have been wrong, but yet proceeded to give poor advice.
The things I took away in those moments....the stories in our heads can be our barrier to communication, compassion, and connection (be willing to let them go or "grow up"...sometimes we create stories to be our "step up" to our next level of awareness, but its okay to let them be left behind if they can't grow with us ) ....allow for the possibility of humility, speak UP! (sometimes things should not go unsaid in the face of things that should not be said
), and finally, sometimes going for the connection and allowing truth to show itself is better (thank you boys for your knowing in silence mode....).

SO I "stand" or sit with those who are trapped within their own minds and stories first (and willing to reach out for help) ,and I love helping them to open it up just enough to find their own ways out

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