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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, October 14, 2019

Grateful for layering in the good

 LOL Good evening folks!

Today is a day that many are sharing thanks with one another.
My gratitude that sits big for me today is in the practice of recognizing when I am choosing and thinking from a driver that not only doesn't serve me, but ALSO keeps looking for PROOF of that perspective and flaunts the proof lie a badge of honour.
When I truly am choosing from my CORE "self", it is inclusive....considers the presence of others in my life....enjoys the gift of connection....looks for ways that benefit BEYOND meeting my own needs as well (yes, I am a part of the picture).....and fills me up in ways I didn't imagine. It serves both me AND my environment and those around me. The perspective of my "driver" that serves me almost ALWAYS is bigger and simpler.
Today, a choice was made by our family in a way that served us ALL well. Everyone got to express freely, the bigger picture felt lighter and more at peace and in the end, it turned out to be a great day. No forcing for creating a good or bad in the situation, no comparisons needed....just a that served and considered....and it worked out fine.
We don't need to be so fancy as much as simple and effective can work in making decisions. Start from a solid, core foundation (what are priorities for you that add to your joy and fulfillment in life? Yes, those "feel-good" things that don't get considered often....yeah, don't overlook the simple) that allows you to build the life you would choose...(and even beyond what you could imagine) to meet you in the next day and the next day after that.
I'm grateful for layering in the good and growing from it's nurturing nature in my life.

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