Good morning!
What does a "perfect" day look like for you?
This morning, I decided that I would start spending my agency and using my imagination toward that "feel good" day for me. I began with more, restful sleep in a cool room with clean, crisp air. The boys would be getting themselves ready for the day and I would be gently greeted in the morning with a "good morning" and a hug. I would enjoy the sunrise and the views of the green space in front of our home and while enjoying a warm tea and nestling into a quiet time of reflection, pondering, and meditation on what I have read. I would enjoy knowing that I have what I need to support my vitality and longevity in my environment and resources. The rest of the day would be filled with uplifting activity, connection, and productivity towards contributing to the betterment of the lives of others and the world around us.
Do you see where in your life you already have what would be a part of a great day for you? Do you focus first on those things in your day? No contrast is needed really.
We have the ability to make what is in our lives serve to our betterment and to the inspiration of others. Either way it will serve to some using your gift of choice to have it serve well (instead become a source of pain) is up to us all.
There is opportunity to change and shift to be had, even in those moments where we feel "less than" or negatively toward. It's our choice how we look at it or feel about it.
That great day can be today...starting with knowing that the little steps you take in just your perception and attitude, and taking your focus to recognize and celebrate how you are moving more and more toward your goal in the things you do will be that game changer in the days to come. We can rest in the knowing of having done 1% better in each day.
Now to go and enjoy more of me contributing to a great day

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