Good morning.
Yesterday was Mental Health Awareness day.
And I started off the day (after quiet time/ journalling/ self-care pactice) by reading a post about a woman who was the witness to her son's murder here in Canada. It was not a simple clash on the playground, it was a criminal act of violence. There is a difference.
What I want to share is an important look into the life we have been living for several years now.
Abuse has its many forms. And perhaps I am sensitive to it due to situations from my own life....however, it trickles into the various networks of our society and often goes unnoticed, until it is having an adverse affect on someone's life.
This gem in my life is celebrated by many who surround us....and at the same time, is hated on by others. His current level of fortitude now just amazes me....he is a joy and inspiration in my life that I have been learning from for to truly love those that mock you, harass you, lie about you, shout profanities to you on the soccer field, point fingers at you and laugh openly (as an adult) in an airport (while others looked at them with disgust)...and to stand up for others so they don't have to go through the same harassment that you have been through

He has ridden quite a roller coaster of experiences....he is mature in ways I look juvenile to....and we are on the road of maintaining and growing his mental health in the face of all of it.
There was a rough patch, a few years ago (when this picture was taken), and his health started to crash. A doctor shared that his Qi was low...among other things...and even now my heart sits a bit heavy remembering it all. After the many, many years of "standing" up and reporting almost daily about ill treatment, he was at his max with it....
Mental Health isn't so much about the person experiencing it as much as it is about who we are surrounded by on a consistent basis and how that supports our well-being. What is the health of the village? How is the community you are choosing to be in building you up?....and how are you receiving it? Are you allowing yourself to be built up by those around you?
This child was like a ray of light and then it got dampened in environments I was not present....the village has a strong influence....HOW can we bring HEALTH and WELL BEING back into the threads of our villages? With each and every one of us choosing to BE that healthy, mindful, kind, and compassionate influence on those around us. We have to step in and recognize whether or not we are a healthy thread...and if not, KNOW that there is support out there to build you up in a way where YOUR well-being is restored and from there, you are that thread of strength and well-being for YOUR entire village as well 

Let's BE "Well Beings" together

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