Good morning!
Well that was an interesting dream! I went from getting ready to embark on a drive along the coastal highway of Barbados to finding a half frozen pear in the snow at Jasper Park Lodge during Christmas in November.
As I picked up the pear (cut in wedges), I knew it was discarded and I showed it to someone else. They took it and were about to toss in the garbage when I asked, "Aren't you going to compost that?" And the reply was "Composting is a gateway to ...." And the dream was interrupted and the questions and dialogue in my mind commenced LOL.

After considering many actions, I landed on one that really is difficult to stop and reaps many rewards, even if half attempted.
"Counting wins." It's a gateway action, and you may want to give it a try. But let me first explain a little as to why it's worth giving it a go.
It's not a fluffy and cheeky way of getting you to do a gratitude list. It IS a great way to prove to your "inner critic or skeptic" that there ARE things in your life that work out to YOUR benefit....that DO change in a good way in your life....and it adds "points" on the scoreboard for the "other" team.
Because, if you are anything like me and the many others I have spoken to, keeping score is already being done in your life for a lot of things that didn't go your way. Have you caught yourself saying the phrase "what next??" BOOM! Score keeping. Or how about..."They say it happens in 3s' " ....Again, keeping score for things that "go wrong".
But what if, you started counting the score for the stuff that goes well...or even less than the "usual" calamity in your days? "Well, I didn't eat the WHOLE cake this time." or ..."I spent over 30 minutes walking today and didn't plan for it."...."or "the kids didn't bicker AS much as they usually do".....or even "someone shared a compliment with me and wanted nothing in return..."
Honestly, you can get drawn in to racking up the score without even knowing you are being full-on competitive with your "critic/skeptic" team. And you TOTALLY are!!! And then you find yourself doing it daily! And consistently throughout the day LOL!! 

You start adding stuff to "DO" so you can count it!! HAHAHA!!

I can't tell you how many times that I "suggested" trying out this "gateway" action, and having that person come to me on a "bad" day for me and ADDING in a "win" for me LOL

. It is simply beautiful!

And I am not kidding! Recently there was a bit of a challenging time that occurred and I had people chiming in in my life with compliments and support and definitely "wins"...and I had been trying to get in deeper with them for ages. The "busy-ness" of life even got set aside to share "wins" into my life from others

So my challenge to you ALL....go on, TRY IT!! Give it a day! Can you try even a week? Even just a 5 sec moment to look for just ONE!! That's it! And please PLEASE share with me if you do!

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