Good morning!
Sigh...I really, REALLY like having my morning "ME" time ALONE LOL 
....AND some days that doesn't happen that way.

From experience though, I know if I choose to be present with my family's needs, I get some great gifts and gems from it...
Connection and encouragement for my hubby as he was in pain from a fall he had yesterday, and I turned my morning time into a shared devo with my oldest.
We sang this song/hymn/chant....honestly, you cannot come to this and try and sing this "prayer" without a humble heart space....otherwise it will crack and creak ALL over the place! 
And yes we did, we went through it a few times with all our creaks and cracks and then we got it
....and it's resonance filled us up.

And then the full message see, I invited my son to sing it with me, and he said he wasn't 'feelin' it.' To which I said, "that is our friend Comfort sitting in his chair in the tea room, and you are the WHOLE HOUSE! Explore those other rooms
" He wasn't familiar with it...he doubted himself....and well, he was kinda fresh outta bed too....meh LOL.

We moved from 'not feelin' it' to observing 'feeling' and then move into being in other words, we checked out some of the other rooms of the house and had a fuller tour.
Being curious, especially of what you can experience and uncover of and about yourself is much more "worth it" than just showing up for "tea time" each day with "Comfort" in the "tea room." Yes, it's familiar, yes it's cozy (I think Comfort has the fire going now too
), but we have the rest of our day (s) and the rest of the house to check out! We can't just live for that one appointed time and not realize that there is still more we could be doing and focusing on in our lives.

When you "feel into" the whole "house" of who you are or possibly can be, then you visit more of the rooms that are there (and furnished) on a day to day basis. Your experience is fuller, your day is more enlivened, and you tend to be more welcoming because of it.
And think, your "neighbour" has a similar house, filled with many rooms, and many of which may not have been explored to their delight. What's behind that door that you haven't opened up to yet? WOW!! We are SO full of WONDER

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