Good morning!
Yesterday I got yelled at. In public. In front of my son and the man behind me in line. By a cashier at Costco.
And ALL of what I pointed out doesn't matter to me. LOL 
. She even spoke to me in a demeaning way as though I couldn't hear her and that I must be stupid. "Can't you see the lights??? Over there!!"

LOL, it's funny, that the thing that stood out for me the most was the response and the experience of others AND remembering a similar situation that happened in Scarborough with my friend Lisa Barker almost 20 years ago. That sales associate used his hands as though I must be deaf and spoke slow and loud to me at the same time....for what reason??? I stepped back and asked him what he was doing, but he had already written me off at that point.
In both situations, I wondered.....who ELSE have they done "this" to? and 'Who taught them to do this to others?'....and I was remember my value.
In moments like these, I get a little smile inside, remembering, knowing and enjoying my personal value. I don't need others to read through my resume or watch the movie of my life or to read my autobiography to "get" who it is I am. Because honestly, we have but moments with one another folks. And in these gems of moments, we could be stringing together a wonderful life to experience or we can have our pearls tossed into the mud and trampled on. We GET to remember...that we do the stringing or we do the's only us who experiences US on the most whole and KNOWN level.
That cashier did NOT know the decision process I went through with my son of calculating and choosing the line we stood in (Big carts and big single item purchases...)...that we ran into one of our doctors in one line to realize that line was way too long, but informed him this many people are there because it would be closed 'tomorrow'.....that my son's hands were getting tired from holding the box (it was NOT a good day to decide to fill a cart LOL) and the Aussie fellow behind us offered the front of his cart for us to rest our box on.....that we were discussing the self checkouts with that man before she got there and that I wasn't in the mood to push through 100 or so people (with their carts) to get there...
Also, I didn't know what she was experiencing that day....did she like her job? Does she like large crowds of people? Did she get her break on time? Did she have family challenges or other circumstances weighing heavy on her mind? I DON'T know! I simply said 'thank you for letting us know'....I don't even know if she heard me say 'thank you'.
What I DO know is that her speaking to me that way sparked something in the people around us...they spoke up in my defense. They shook their heads....they questioned why she felt she needed to speak to me that way. And the heart of humanity showed up to help realign us all in that moment...and it was beautiful and connective and brought out the Holiday Cheer
It is the "season of light", and with that, many MORE of us will choose to connect and support rather than to compete, fight, and break down another. More and more, we are choosing holiday gatherings and spending time with people MORE than having to find that perfect gift. We are choosing to value one another FREELY and feeling that we, at this time of year, have the permission to do so.

So thank you to all those who rested in the patience of having to line up at Costco yesterday....thanks to those who supported another who was a stranger in the face of unnecessary languaging...and thanks to the happy and speedy cashiers at the end of the line that smiled, were efficient, and brightened our day...AND to the cashier, who had stopped to inform those in line of the new self serve tills. It made for a great opportunity to connect and encourage

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