Good morning!
This morning is being "made to feel" uncomfortable...
Because honestly, when you thing about being uncomfortable, how does it make you feel?
Find the words that sit with you ...or even better yet, the images of what it looks like for you...
I bring this up because, today, I am standing on the "side" of how "comfort" feels when it is being challenged.
How DARE we not accept "comfort" and welcome "It" as is.... It just wants to be itself and not be disturbed.
Unfortunately though, when it comes to being human, we are not designed in the same way as "comfort" is. We are living, evolving, dynamic, and growing beings.
We can, however, for moment, enjoy the company of "comfort", but then we get up and move...disturbing the nature of our "comfort" relationship as we grow to something bigger, or try to keep things "status quo" by a whole bunch of unnecessary busy-ness. We don't stay still and constant as much as we think we do. It takes a LOT of effort for us to "remain" the same.
It's not a good match. What we think resonates for us as comfort is actually not stagnant or static at all. What gives us that "fulfilled" feeling, and internal warm fuzzy expands much bigger than the seat that "comfort" sits in.
Yesterday was World Kindness Day. Kindness, which requires our "One another" involvement, is one of those things that resonates for us as humans in our "fulfillment zone." When we share it, when we see it, and when we receive it, we experience a chemical reaction within our being that fills us up
At a scientific level, we benefit from kindness received, witness, and given. And that is only an aspect of what fills us up in the "fulfillment zone".

I'm challenging my fellow humans today, to go forward...and consider, on a daily basis, more of the "fulfillment zone" rather than your "comfort" zone. It "feels" much better, and when you experience it more and more, "comfort" doesn't feel so comfortable anymore. It signals that there IS more that you (and others) could be experiencing, and that feels and fulfills much better on a whole.
It benefits us AND all that is around us as well. We become MORE considerate, MORE compassionate, more loving, and more kind. Because once you feel that fullness, it has to overflow to those around you. You feel compelled to share. And "uncomfortable" will be a tingly sensation to nudge you to share more instead of feeling that your "comfort" is being IMPOSED upon or taken from you.
So let us look at the big picture after such a day recognizing kindness, and see how we can share in more of it.
"Comfort" can stay in its cozy chair in a room off in the corner of the house while we reach out and connect, grow, and experience our life's journey together. We ARE the bigger picture of what is happening.
You are always welcome to go and visit "Comfort" for a cup of tea from time to time, and your life is in the whole of what "comfort" gets to be a part go and experience more of what is out there waiting to be lived.
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