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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

There is always more deepening to my experience, if I allow it

 Good morning! In this moment....can you "feel" it? The rhythmic inhalations, the silence, the pulse of your heart....

Or are you trying to process, analyze, course-correct, examine, re-calculate, force correction, the lists, the tasks, .....
Either does it feel?
This morning....I am sitting in the elation of knowing....that there is always more deepening to my experience, if I allow it....knowing that, in what looks "slow" and "inactive" for some in my life, others see as frequently active and always observing and processing....
I am ecstatic about what the day will hold while at the same time saddened that I couldn't share this feeling and experience with others to feel and understand....
There are many wonderful gifts we as humans have been gifted with and yet, we miss the biggest gift of all....experiencing them. The depth of learning, loving, caring, enjoying, and witnessing in awe, how much "stuff" is actually packed into these little acts within our Being here. If we "slow" down and take time to observe and deepen.....mmmmmmmm, I wonder what possibilities.....

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