Good morning! I wrote something last week....didn't post it anywhere...I fifnished the thought, but not the pondering. I'm usually looking for ways to write and share in ways that covers more than one metaphor and can be plugged into an ordinary situation.
So far, 2018 for a lot of people has been launched of with a fighting spirit. However, that spirit has been "released" moreso than directed. Almost like adrenaline "rushing" all over the place. It makes me wonder if....this is usually the spirit and energy at the beginning of each year. Is that why people are all fired up to get into working out? Was it from the leftovers and treats of the holidays that has many "fueled" for fire?
Recently, I have witnessed many blankets statements AND assumptions being put out there...among and against people I know. I am ACTUALLY watching two sides of more than one situation let me say just really don't know what you don't know. Don't plug in your assumptions as facts....they don't fit. Your "quoted" phrase...yeah, it's actually a question and there is an answer for it. Try not to use someone's name and your assumption in the same sentence...without speaking to them directly first (and you actually can and SHOULD)......AND I don't use should often or lightly.
No, I am not your momma (I love being a mom
) or this person who thinks highly of themselves (although I value who it is I am) or sits atop a hill watching others off the tip of my nose (I love witnessing the wonders of humanity though) ....but I have seen the Light, and the Peace within many of you....and I think you would radiate a stronger and more relevant message from and for yourself and others if you directed the "strength" of that energy Within first and see the wonders of its fruit.

Now, to figure out why it seems I have a child phase-shifting through walls into other rooms through the night LOL (sleep-walking is new for this one...) AND to see that if there is to be BOTH peace and change in this world and in my own life, it really does start within me, with me, and from adjusting my perspective lens (or giving it a good rub and cleaning) once in a while so I can remain focused in the way that I would like to see and go.
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