Good morning! Up and ready for the day AND watching the lunar eclipse. I can't tell you how awesome this new day feels already. Great start to the rest of my life. Each morning is!

A focus on the whole package (health, wellness, spirituality, and all it's connections) and how to live the best life I can.
John 10:10
My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning! Up and ready for the day AND watching the lunar eclipse. I can't tell you how awesome this new day feels already. Great start to the rest of my life. Each morning is!
I share this, not because I find it funny....but I find it funny because that was me.....YEARS ago. I shared many an elaborate tale as a child. I don't know why....maybe to sound more relatable to my peers or so that others would find me interesting, but it didn't work...I had all the details too...and I made sure, that if asked, I was ready to fill in more to support the story. It took so much of my energy that I decided it was easier to convince myself of their truth and live inside the illusion.... It bothered me for so many years, and it affected no one else but me. No one really cared about what I had to say....and no one remembered any of it...except for me.
Got so much things to say right now... got so much things to say.... ♪♫♪
Today was a great day for realizing....there are many people on a day to day and a face to face occurrence that I would love to remember their names and count as friends
Good morning! In this moment....can you "feel" it? The rhythmic inhalations, the silence, the pulse of your heart....
Good morning! Yesterday was a pivotal day in recognizing, that no matter where we are planted and called to be, that we are not alone in our understanding. I am grateful to the billions of humans in experience that make this statement a possibility. That we each carry a remnant of understanding and experience that connects us through to one another in some way that keeps things relatable, doable, and manageable, no matter how far reaching our circumstances and imaginations can take us.
Good morning! Reflection time...this week I have solidified a concept I wanted to share...trying to bring together the experience of "standing firm" as I know and experience it, and I had issues with my feet LOL. Spiritually...hugged and embraced.... Physically and mentally...frustrated and forging through ...with the constant reminder of considering grace. Grace with myself and my situation. Grace with time and taking it to observe from a greater vantage point. Grace with recognizing and seeing those around me. Grace with pulling in opposing energies and getting them to flow in a beneficial way. Grace in understanding and growth....
Good morning! I wrote something last week....didn't post it anywhere...I fifnished the thought, but not the pondering. I'm usually looking for ways to write and share in ways that covers more than one metaphor and can be plugged into an ordinary situation.
Covered in shivers right now
Good morning! For almost a week we have been drinking some pretty tasty garlic ginger tea each morning (or when inspired) and my son asked why....I said, when one person feels "sick" we should ALL be reminded to manage our immunity....boost one's health, boost them all.
Good morning! I found it! I found it! I remember where I put something