With thoughts in regards to the Mandela effect.... How would you choose to "edit" things from your past? I do it on my Facebook page all the time...I "Mandela effect" it ALL the time....edit spelling...add hashtags...delete posts...but from my life....nope. The threads of connections that have stemmed from even the slightest experience, has helped to make my experience in this very moment exist. Full on contentment...yup! I said it! I am content with every moment that allowed me to experience the fullness of joy and gratitude and knowledge and love in this very moment. (all "corrections" included). Could that be a part of the whole thing? That when we come to the part of embracing it ALL with gratitude (maybe because we are still around to have that experience of being grateful for something...) that the things that we looked less favourably on begin to be transformed...transmuted...that they no longer get to have that "hindering", gripping, and annoying etch in our lives as they did at some point and they become "edited" in our experience? perhaps...all just ponderings that may or may not be applied. There is a bigger picture that has already been drawn and is being painted at the same time...

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