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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, January 16, 2017

How not to go "survival" mode on people

 Good morning. ..there are subtle ways...that we go "survival" mode on people...rush here or there...listen in parts...not truly seeing or connecting in the moments...our perspective shifts...we get curt with our words and wonder why so many around us just don't "get" it. Yesterday, as I was fasting, I noticed...wanting to just be left alone in some moments. ..and I had to remind myself of what my wholehearted response would be at the end of the day...what would I do if all my needs were met and I was safe....? I would love...I would connect, and I would find a way. I was so proud I made it work for EVERYONE in mind...even when some may have been single minded...I had an AMAZING helper (and then some #thankyouGod )showing me love and support. At the end of the day it was hard...reminding me that many butterflies must fly on their own to strengthen their to freedom you go. They will find their way.

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