Good morning!
I had amazing conversation with myself this weekend (and others). I even got tongue-tied when asked to comment on a topic I feel SO PASSIONATE ABOUT LMBO! (I really didn't want to go off on a rant about it, and I will share at the next meeting...for sure!)
But today, my thoughts are around growth and change. I'm going to put this out there...most change is not hard. And growing, it doesn't hurt as much as we think. LOL and complaining. feels the same (in intensity and effort) to me as it does to grow, but without the afterglow. Complaining is a change,...resistance to change is a growth. In fact, every choice we engage in is taking us through growth or change.
It's building the consistency and focus in the direction you WANT to be growing and changing in that takes a bit of training...a bit of reining in.
And one of the best ways to do that is set a JOY "in front" of you. In your near future, your next choice...into your distant future. ..into your grand life vision.
Set it there!

Wake up happy to know your choices in each moment are bringing you to and through that joy. Delight in the miracle and power of making that next choice that will blossom gifts in your future and in your day.
En-joy a great day 

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