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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Lessons from this year's harvest

 We've been harvesting y'all!!

These first 2 pictures are from 3 years ago. The carrots were huge and bountiful and the beets were eaten out by voles.
Similar planting method.
The difference this year was the amount of water...and the cat that decided he would patrol our yard and compost for these "little friends."
Environment matters.
We had multiple heat waves this summer with not as much rain for balance. All the plants started out well. But as the heat intensified, the soil changed. Most all of our beets decided to grow above ground LOL.
Circle of influence and presence matters.
With the cat (not ours and not petted or fed by us in anyway) on patrol, it changed the "visitors" to our garden. No birds eating out the seedlings and greens and no more rodents gnawing on our garden at night.
This year has been a shift.
I'm "enjoying" it fully from within and keeping those around me that encourage the growth I have been in at this time.
We often don't see how little things like soil texture make a huge difference in the way a plant will grow. Those subtle "textures " exist in our day to day experiences as well.
Do you notice? How have you chosen to adapt? Or have you transplanted yourself into "soil" you can grow deep into?
I love gardening analogies and lessons more than gardening. So I will be back next year for more growth and learning 😂😂

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