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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, October 8, 2022

I was feeling for a change. Time for a new outlook

 #fbf Went frame shopping with the boys.

I've had the same pair of glasses, that I wear on occasion, for about 20 years now. My prescription hasn't really changed either. But I was feeling for a change.
It's almost like rearranging furniture. Shifting where things are and how they look in a space is enough to add newness and refreshment to your outlook in life.
What little adjustments have you made in your life recently that adds change and new perspective for you?
I've also been playing with makeup stuff too. The oldest hasn't liked some of the tutorials I've tried 😂😂😂 . It so fun to play with though. Especially when you only have 3 steps you normally do... with as many products 😅

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