Good mawning!
"Nothing that came before this moment 'matters' because this was what I had wanted all along..."
Appreciation... celebration... all while simply enjoying just BEING 'me' (whatever that means).

I KNOW what it means. Even better yet, I know what 'it' feels like.
The 'Me' part.
Throughout many labels and "identities" tried on... it all came back to the same "core" of being. It has the same peace and smile in it...the same depth of breath

I walked into a new decision for myself and my life and physically, adjustments had already been made. The rate of acclimating and integration right now requires in the moment presence.
A new 'year/season' and I am really feeling the rejuvenating vibe of it all. And I AM ready

(Thank you for the blessings and birthday wishes. Very much appreciated and I will respond to and bless each one

#ThankyouGod #gratitude #happybirthday #appreciation #forgiveness #Harvestthegood #biggerpicture #greaterstill #lifetothefull #trusttheprocess #simpleandconsistent #committotheday #bepresent #integration #LoveFirst
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