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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Glory of Grace...

 Good mawning!

The Glory of Grace...
In a world (space) in which we are constantly being brought to the edges of new discoveries and pulling on the possibilities of seeing and experiencing the answers to our questions, I find it intriguing that we may find ourselves the subject of our own 'created' limitations instead of continuing to unfurl the edges of the universe as we are designed to experience and behold as we grow and expand...and yes, by design.
I just watched a video of someone drawing 5 pictures as though they were a computerized plotter or printer. But then it made me realize that the creation of the plotter moreso mimicked the potential of the human being...
The ideas come together and form and 'we' put things together in form, yet 'we' diminish what it is we are capable of.
Grace is allowing our magnificence and instantaneous outcomes to path by our sight through the 'pause' in which we call time. And through the wonder of the 'pause' and with the gift of feeling and emotions, we "GET TO" witness the process of our creations and our expansion come to 'life' as it were.
Patience. To recognize we get to participate IN the process and in what ways.
Trust. That in the end, it will all work out (for the good).
Joy, awe, and wonder... to be able to give yourself 'space' to observe the wonder that is life and existence and appreciate you are witnessing way more in the moment at many levels...
To even 'get to' ponder that humanity and life and living IS a wonderful thing in its fullness is a Grace and gift unto itself.

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