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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, June 6, 2022

Sometimes we fall...

 Sometimes we fall...

The other day my baby took a tumble. Head/face first while skateboarding...
Not his first like this...but the gash on his head was pretty brutal.
After the fuss of cleaning it all up, we chatted about his current self image.
I had a bit of a "fall" myself that day... and still processing what I experienced... realizing the roles I play in people's lives...
Now that I can see more of what showed up for me in all of it, I get to ask for myself, 'What do "I" truly want to experience from the new found and more intrinsic image of MYself?'
More personal care, play, flow, connection, support, enjoyment, adventure, and abundance.
And from that space, others will get to experience more of what it is they have chosen to see me as... it's more fullness of life being lived and claimed for everyone.
From hearing my son express more of what HE would like to be for HIMSELF, it is an example for me to be IN more of myself.
What way are you looking to lift YOURSELF up a bit more today? What ways can you lift others up to be more of who they are today?

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