Good mawning!Simple and consistent builds confidence.
And this is LITERALLY the "living" proof.
Houseplants. I transplanted and split the Christmas cactus and snake plant.
Are you one of 'those' people that 'can't' have (and keep) nice houseplants?
Do you give yourself and the new plant a countdown to when it will die?
I grew up in a house that was LUSH with greenery. My mom keeps MANY plants in the house and they just THRIVE. It's a "jungle" as my dad says. And I could spend a good hour in their front room just visually exploring the greenery.
In my house however, that wasn't the case. I kept fake plants just to keep the balance. And I looked up 'hard to kill' plants and only one type has survived in our household this whole time. Snake plants for the win.
However, in 2020, we had an experience that not only affected our snake plants, but almost took us out as well. Construction exhausts were being blown into our house...causing toxic overload for my hubby and I mainly. I experienced the worst of it. And funny enough, the snake plants were dying too.
I've had what I could save in jars for the last 2 years.
And I checked their water levels...their roots... I forgot to water them for a bit and they barely had any water! I set an alarm after that to water the plants. I talked to them more. I move stuff around and started adding friends.
A dear friend died and as the house was set to be sold, I inherited a plant.
I allowed myself to start having 'plant envy' and less plant guilt.
It doesn't mean that I don't have a dying plant or two right now... but I am doing what I can WHILE enjoying moving forward with my houseplants experience.
And my health too. I've restored my health before and I am doing it again. This time at an enhanced level. More spiritually attuned to where I am at and supporting life within and outside of me.
I CAN do it! And so can you.

Whatever you feel you may 'suck' at or struggle with, it's also possible for you to experience the opposite (by default actually). Just allow yourself to see through consistent action (and thought) in the other direction.