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My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and talents.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, May 27, 2022

It's blooming time!


Good mawning!

It's blooming time!
Now you can read that however you want LOL (#iykyk), but if you are not caught up in ALL the distractions, pain, scarcity, loss, threat, anger, and ridiculous displays of contempt...
Then you WILL see, savour, breathe in deeply, smell, appreciate, and FEEL the WHOLEHEARTED shift that is among us now and how so many things are in full BLOOM and 'from-the-core' expression right now.
Yes, many are dying...persecuted...falsely devalued and stopped short...
And we are... of all these things. Both the heartache and the standing up for the life of another. Both the mourning and the joy of being present for a baby's smile and laughter. Both the acceptance of an ending and the celebrating of new beginnings.
I accept the FULL beauty of my life. Each day I get the gift of not just witnessing, but also viscerally feeling and experiencing the beauty within what seems like extreme contrasts.
What looked like hatred, oppression, and injustice SERVED for my protection and prompting for allowing greater to be done through me.
What looks like needs unmet, is also the Grace of God teaching and molding others around me to grow into THEIR greater expression and experience of self.
I no longer disconnect, cut off, and walk away... I step back and witness for the greater and bigger picture at play.
There is always something gained for my learning, growth, experience... I trust that I will get the gift of witnessing and appreciating the blossoms about to bloom in abundance...

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